Top 10k strings from CIR-Demo 1 (1991)(CIR)(128k).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   6 &d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d&d
   2 the scroll-text has reached an end 
   2 and all Speccy freaks in the world. 
   2 all little, ugly, slimy, green 
   2 What do you think about the scrolling stars? 
   2 The nice music in the background was orginally written by SFH. 
   2 The next greeting goes to SFH 
   2 The music was orginally written in BASIC. Then I wrote a compiler to compile BASIC-Sounds for this interrupt sound routine. 
   2 Spectrum Profi Club, Ernastrasse 33, W50
   2 Some normal greetinx go to: 
   2 Now let's go to the greetinx: 
   2 No greetinx, but (%@*`) (censored) go to: 
   2 No greeting, but also no fucking goes to Frank Himssel (He is the guy, who should care about the public-domain-programs in the club. 
   2 Linus Staeffler, 
   2 In the moment (May, 19th 1991) we have about 120 members in the Spectrum Profi Club). 
   2 In the CIR Demo 2 (what else).
   2 If you want to get in contact with me then call 02645/3060 in West Germany (But I don't want to swap illegal programs!
   2 I think if he hasn't any interest any more, then another guy should care about it!
   2 I hope we see us in my next demo.
   2 I hope to see more from you in the future!
   2 Hope you enjoy this demo. 
   2 Here is the first CIR-Demo for the ZX Spectrum 128K. 
   2 He doesn't care about it any more. 
   2 He also wrote the Interrupt-Sound-Routine for this demo. 
   2 Have you seen his demo No. 8?!? 
   2 Graphix, coding, and BASIC-Sound-Compiler by CIR. 
   2 For further information write to: 
   2 First we go with the mega-greetinx: 
   2 Dieter Hucke, 
   2 Commodore 64-owners 
   2 But what's the matter.
   2 Aren't they wonderfull? 
   2 Another greeting goes to Exterminator of TMG 
   2 And now you can hear the result of this combination.) 
   2 Also the sound for this demo was written by him. 
   2 A mega-mega-greeting goes to the WOMO-Team. (They make the great Club-Magazine Rainbow User; for 20 DM in a year you get 12 magazines with 12 or 16 pages. 
   2 (spit, ugh, a
   2 (hi, hi, hi) 
   2 (The nice interrupt-sound-routine for this demo was written by him. 
   2 (His demos for the ZX Spectrum are really great!
   2  Koeln 80, Germany.) 
   1 argh!!!!).
   1 CIR_DEMO.2
   1 (C) SFH, V 1.0
   1  the scroll-text has reached an end    (hi, hi, hi)
   1  and all Speccy freaks in the world.
   1  all little, ugly, slimy, green
   1  What do you think about the scrolling stars?
   1  The nice music in the background was orginally written by SFH.
   1  The next greeting goes to SFH
   1  The music was orginally written in BASIC. Then I wrote a compiler to compile BASIC-Sounds for this interrupt sound routine.
   1  Spectrum Profi Club, Ernastrasse 33, W5000 Koeln 80, Germany.)
   1  Some normal greetinx go to:
   1  Now let's go to the greetinx:
   1  No greetinx, but (%@*`) (censored) go to:
   1  No greeting, but also no fucking goes to Frank Himssel (He is the guy, who should care about the public-domain-programs in the club.
   1  Linus Staeffler,
   1  In the moment (May, 19th 1991) we have about 120 members in the Spectrum Profi Club).
   1  In the CIR Demo 2 (what else)
   1  If you want to get in contact with me then call 02645/3060 in West Germany (But I don't want to swap illegal programs!!!).
   1  I think if he hasn't any interest any more, then another guy should care about it!!!!)
   1  I hope we see us in my next demo
   1  I hope to see more from you in the future!!!)
   1  Hope you enjoy this demo.
   1  Here is the first CIR-Demo for the ZX Spectrum 128K.
   1  He doesn't care about it any more.
   1  He also wrote the Interrupt-Sound-Routine for this demo.
   1  Have you seen his demo No. 8?!?
   1  Graphix, coding, and BASIC-Sound-Compiler by CIR.
   1  For further information write to:
   1  First we go with the mega-greetinx:
   1  Dieter Hucke,
   1  Commodore 64-owners   (spit, ugh, 
   1  But what's the matter
   1  Aren't they wonderfull?
   1  Another greeting goes to Exterminator of TMG
   1  And now you can hear the result of this combination.)
   1  Also the sound for this demo was written by him.
   1  A mega-mega-greeting goes to the WOMO-Team. (They make the great Club-Magazine Rainbow User; for 20 DM in a year you get 12 magazines with 12 or 16 pages.
   1  (The nice interrupt-sound-routine for this demo was written by him.
   1  (His demos for the ZX Spectrum are really great!!!
   1  "CIR_DEMO.2"
   1  "CIR_DEMO.1"